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United Nations Day: The Peacemakers


The United Nations was founded in 1945 with its origins buried deep in World War II. The one central mission has always been to maintain international peace and security.

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt suggested the name of, “United Nations” over Associated Powers in 1941. It stuck, and was appropriately given to the 26 nations who pledged their allegiance in 1942 to fight as one in World War II against the axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan.

The United Nations replaced what is known as the League of Nations.

The League of Nations (LoN), or French Société des Nations meaning Society of Nations, was founded January 10, 1920 after the Paris Peace Conference. It was the first world wide intergovernmental organization whose primary mission was to encourage and maintain World Peace.

LoN did so by settling disagreements between countries through diplomacy, policy and negotiations. The league is noted to have ended the First World War. However, one of the main reasons why the Second World War broke out — stated by historians — is the idea that the League of Nations failed to keep the peace.

Unreconciled disputes and internal turmoil revealed weaknesses and vulnerabilities that some say allowed for Hitler to invade.

The United States never joined the League of Nations, but it is reported as having “entered in 1917 as an Associated Power,” and Woodrow Wilson was given the Nobel peace prize in 1919 for his participation as a “leading architect of the league.”

In times of war, the “design” of a unified people and country for World Peace had been born and it could not be stopped.

We honor the work of the Peacemakers now, but it started long ago. Every effort for peace from the beginnings of time by every individual has added his or her grace to this moment. The following are of two historic unions worthy of our attention.

In Scotland, before the 14th century, Clan Chatten (touch not the cat) was a traditional Scottish Clan that later evolved into some twelve clans that came together in a union of nations which is a community of people to be called the Chatten Confederacy.

Each clan had their own chief that was recognized under Scottish law, but they were bound to and unified under one superior chief of the confederation for mutual solidarity and protection.

A “confederacy” is an alliance of people. One of the earliest attempts for unified peace amongst different groups of people were the Iroquois, or Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

They are to this day a powerful Northeast Native American confederacy, or League of Nations comprised of six nations, or communities of people.

Their original union was founded by the Peacemaker, Deganawida who provided them with The Great Law of Peace in 1142 or 1451 AD. of which inspired the United States Constitution.

Blessed are the peacemakers on earth. ~ William Shakespeare


Kristen Farquhar

Painting by Oren R. Lyons Jr., a Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy of The Great Tree of Peace


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